Op donderdag 24 oktober organiseert Sociaal Werkkoepel Amsterdam het Herfst Event in het Parool Theater. Dit jaar staat het thema ‘draagvlak’ centraal en bespreken we samen met sociale firma’s en netwerkpartners hoe we een sterke basis kunnen creëren voor een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt.
Waarom draagvlak essentieel is voor een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt
Tijdens dit event ontdek je wat draagvlak precies inhoudt. We gaan dieper in op de succesfactoren, maar ook op de valkuilen waarmee je te maken kunt krijgen. Ontdek praktijkvoorbeelden, leer van anderen en deel jouw inzichten over dit veelomvattende onderwerp.
Wat kun je verwachten?
Praktijkvoorbeelden en inzichten van toonaangevende sociale firma’s en netwerkpartners.
Netwerken met andere werkgevers en professionals binnen het netwerk van Sociaal Werkkoepel Amsterdam.
Ervaringen delen en samen bouwen aan een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt.
Programma Herfst Event 24 oktober
Inloop: 14.15 Programma: 14.30 – 17.30 Einde programma borrel: 17.30 – 18.30
Mis deze unieke kans niet om ervaringen uit te wisselen, nieuwe connecties te maken en jouw bijdrage te leveren aan een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt!
Meld je vandaag nog aan via onderstaand formulier en verzeker jezelf van een plek!
Does your company employ staff members with an extra support need? Or do you plan to do so in the future? If so, the City of Amsterdam offers you the one-day HARRIE-training – in English – in cooperation with CNV Jongeren on Thursday 28 November. The training is intended for a direct colleague of the employee to be supported, who is residing in Amsterdam.
HARRIE? Who is that?
HARRIE is a co-worker who is Helpful, Alert, Realistic, Calm, Instructive and Honest (translated and abbreviated from: Hulpvaardig, Alert, Realistisch, Rustig, Instruerend and Eerlijk). These qualities help to make him / her the ideal colleague for an employee with a support need. In addition to the guidance of a job coach, the HARRIE colleague helps make the most of the employee’s talents.
How it works
Your Amsterdam based employee has or will be given a target group indication, as stated in the job agreement. This employee is therefore also eligible for a job coach. You receive a wage subsidy according to wage value for this employee, or you may receive this through the practical route.
You determine which colleague will assist the employee with the special need for support and will therefore follow the HARRIE-training.
For each training course, two colleagues from your organization can participate.
The HARRIE-to-be signs up on the website of Sociaal Werkkoepel Amsterdam and selects a training date. Thereafter, an Outlook invitation for that date follows. The booking is final at the latest 14 days in advance.
All HARRIE-trainings are held between 10.00 to 15.45 h, including lunch. Location: Jan van Galenstraat 323, Amsterdam.
Your benefits
The one-day Amsterdam HARRIE-training is completely free of charge.
In just one day, your employee will learn the basics of HARRIE.
Your employee will be introduced to the Supported Employment methodology, a successful model based on equality and opportunities.
Your employee learns to apply new perspectives and behaviors in practice and can share this knowledge with other colleagues.
Your employee also learns from experiences and insights of training participants from other companies.
A HARRIE creates more acceptance of an inclusive and diverse corporate culture. This increases the likelihood of a sustainable working relationship with colleagues with support needs.
Regular trainings are presented in Dutch, so be mindful in selecting the English spoken training. (If there is sufficient demand, training sessions will be provided in English twice a year).
NB. This one-day training does not entitle you to an Ik Ben Harrie-certificate. The City of Amsterdam requires a Noloc-certified job coach training for reimbursement of an in-company job coach.
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